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Annual 26-64 years
Annual subscription 26-64 years old
Unlimited travel for one year on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
360 €
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Unlimited travel for one year on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
Monthly 26-64 years
Monthly subscription 26-64 years old
Unlimited travel for one month on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
45 €
Découvrir ce produit
Unlimited travel for one month on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
Annual Students or apprentices over 26 years old
Annual subscription for students or apprentices over 26 years old
Unlimited travel for one year on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
180 €
Découvrir ce produit
Unlimited travel for one year on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
Monthly Students or apprentices over 26 years old
Monthly subscription for students or apprentices over 26 years old
Unlimited travel for one month on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
22.50 €
Découvrir ce produit
Unlimited travel for one month on the Lignes d'Azur network (except special services)
Unlimited 26 - 64 yrs old
Unlimited subscription 26 - 64 years old
Unlimited travel for one year on Lignes d'Azur network (except special services).
Tacit renewal of the subscription.
30 €
Découvrir ce produit
Unlimited travel for one year on Lignes d'Azur network (except special services).
Tacit renewal of the subscription.